How to grow and care for Dracaena Elegans (“Lemon-Lime Plant”)

How to grow and care for Dracaena Elegans ("Lemon-Lime Plant")

Do you wish to add a tropical ambiance to your home ? If you do, it’s time to beautify your space with the beautiful underrated tropical plant, the Dracaena Elegans or Lemon-Lime Plant.  General background Dracaena Elegans is a tropical plant native to Sudan, Mozambique, the Ivory Coast, and Angola. It’s also commonly referred to …

How to prevent and get rid of pests and diseases in houseplants

Prevention is said to be better than cure, but the question remains, can you prevent and get rid of pests in house plants ? My answer is straightforward, Yes and No.  Yes, because you can prevent plant infestation by taking certain precautions. And No, because sometimes, it’s almost impossible to get rid of advanced infestations.  …

Ten beginner-friendly houseplants that are hard to kill

Well, I’ll suppose that is the dream of most indoor gardeners. Luckily a realizable one. Do you agree that hobby indoor gardeners should choose beginner-friendly houseplants that are hard-to-kill rather than those dramatic and demanding ones that spoil the fun ? I guess you do ! I guess you would also agree that it is needless …